Friday 28 November 2014


For one of Kats lessons we were asked to bring along a sketch pad and pencils. We were taught about the basics about how to hold a pencil and then asked to sketch a few objects. We learnt that being a makeup artist you don’t normally just turn up for a job and apply some makeup to a model, but that it is often about the design element to it, and therefore it would be wise to learn about how to sketch. We often have to design facecharts and having this knowledge about sketching will help us along the way.
To start off we just drew straight lines, getting a grips with holding the pencil a certain way.

We then moved onto drawing basic shapes like squares, circles and triangles.

 After I attempted 3D shapes, having not done art since year 9 (5 years ago) they weren’t great but we all found it quite funny to see what they all turned out like, my results are below. 

We were then set the task to find an object at home and draw that, my chosen object was an apple, as seen below. 

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