Friday 28 November 2014

Final Contemporary Design

After lots of research and practicing different makeup looks I finally came up with my final makeup look, which is to be completed in the timed assessment next week. I looked in many places like books, also the internet including things like Pinterest. I wanted to go for a bold lip look but wanted to mix it up a bit and make it more Elizabethan, therefore I designed the lip style to be in a heart shape in the middle. Having a pale complexion is an Elizabethan trait and I wanted in incorporate this into my design but not fully so I decided to just have white around the eye, including blocking out the brows. I think my design is contemporary because it has modern aspects to it like the rest of the face apart from the eyes being a normal skin tone. Also I decided that on the lips I wanted a glossy look for a more modern feel. 
My facechart design for my final design. 

A practice of my final design. 

Below are some images I used for inspiration for my final design:

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