Tuesday 11 November 2014

The New Elizabethans

For one of this week’s task we were asked to looked at an article of a list of people who could be said to be ‘new Elizabethans’ (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/9277886/The-New-Elizabethans-the-full-list.html) After looking through the list we were then asked to pick a personality and explain why we thought they were a ‘new Elizabethan’. My chosen personality is Princess Diana of Wales, I chose her because I felt that she had a strong resemblance to Elizabeth I with the royalty and also the public’s obsession with both of them during their time.
I think the fascination in Diana first begun on her wedding day to Prince Charles, it was watched eagerly by roughly one billion people on televisions around the world and marked as a national holiday in the UK. Four years later the couple had 2 children, around this time as well Diana became known as the ‘People’s Princess’, not as much a royalty, more like a celebrity. With her natural beauty, her height and her grace, her ease with people, her sincere honesty and warmth, it was an easy task for personal stylists to help her become a fashion icon, a role model, and maybe even the most photographed and famous woman in the world.

I think this is also where Princess Diana is linked to Elizabeth I, they both had massive popularity and became fashion icons for their time and are still to be influencing styles now. 


image from google images:

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