Thursday 16 October 2014

Elizabethan Portrait

The image I have chosen is of Helena Von Snakenborg, she was a Swedish noblewoman who was said to be highly favoured by Elizabeth I. From her clothing you can tell she was of a high status, Queen Elizabeth actually appointed her Maid of Honour from about 1567, before promoting her to gentlewoman of the royal privy chamber. Helena became one the queen's most friendly advisers and controlled access to the queen. The dress she wears has Tudor roses on it and this could symbolise patriotism, and loyalty to the queen. After research I found out that Helena was very close to Elizabeth, and on several occasions acted as Elizabeth’s deputy, often standing in for her during the baptisms of noble children. Helena was much respected, mostly because of her complete refusal to be bought and her disregard for court intrigues and her very real love and loyalty towards the Queen.

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