Tuesday 7 October 2014

Getting to know me

I am an 18 year old studying Hair and Makeup Design at Southampton Solent University. Before university I attended sixthform and studied Photography, Health and Social Care and Sociology. Apart from watching Youtube videos and tutorials I don’t have any makeup or hair experience. I am also very passionate about the fashion industry, earlier this year I attended a Guardian Master class, breaking into the fashion industry. I learnt about various roles in the fashion industry there and it was there that I confirmed I wanted to learn more about makeup and hair.

My understanding of the Elizabethan era isn’t very widespread, I have seen various film and television programmes on it and learnt about in lower years at school but can’t remember a vast amount of it. I know that it was named after probably one of the greatest queen’s Elizabeth I. I hope to learn about the way society ran in those days and how it differs from modern society. I also hope to learn about the fashion styles and what gave designers inspiration. I am very excited about doing this project as I don’t know a lot about them I feel I will learn a lot. It seemed like a very dramatic and interesting era to be around in and I feel that learning about it I will get a small feel about what it was like to be around at that time. The fashion in particular sticks out for me, in various paintings we see beautiful dress’s on women and intricate hair designs. As well as it being a fascinating time to live in I also think it would have been very terrifying due to things like executions and the conflicts of religion. I am looking forward to learning different techniques about how they would have done their makeup, also learning the intricate hairstyles, even though I know they will be hard! 

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