Saturday 4 October 2014

Induction week- First task

Induction Week
During the first week of starting the course we were given a few tasks to complete as induction exercises.  Firstly we got into small groups to get to know each other and discuss our mood boards, in my group there was Sammie, Ruby and Jade.
Sammie’s mood board was a piece of card with cut out images she collected from internet research, she described different people she aspired to work with including Pat McGrath, Charlotte Tilbury and Nick Dudman. She then discussed what she wanted to achieve in her career and who inspires her. She said that she would like to get work experience from places like MAC, LOVE magazine, Illamasqua and House of Holland. For her mood board she researched on the internet and used magazines and books, one in particular called ‘makeup is art’. Finally we discussed if we could got the chance to do the mood board again what we would do and Sammie said that she wished she had taken more time on it and added more to it.
The second person to discuss their mood board was Ruby; her mood board was digital using a word document. Her mood board featured half fashion makeup and the other half Asian bridal as these were both areas she was really interested in. Ruby told us that she has always been obsessed with weddings but has never actually been to a wedding. Her main inspiration is Makeup artist Pat McGrath, saying she follows her on Instagram. Ruby said that she prefers cut and stick but felt that doing her mood board digitally would be easier, but overall she was happy with the way it came out.

Thirdly Jade spoke about her mood board, I found her board really interesting as I am more into fashion and jade is into film makeup, therefore I felt that I learnt from her. She explained that she was interested in prosthetic's, in particular Jeremy Aiello being her biggest inspiration having worked on the walking dead and shutter island. Jade has a keen interest in ‘dark’ films and would really like to work in that area, she found her images on Google but she felt that she knows what she wanted when she searched for them. Jade also said that she felt that her mood board didn't speak for itself, and that she would have to speak for it.  

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