Tuesday 14 October 2014

On Friday 10th October we were given the opportunity to go on a trip to London, after the 2 ½ hour journey we were all very excited to get off the coach and have a look around. First we visited the National Portrait Gallery, we began by looking at the Tudor section looking at the Elizabethan portraits. We were then asked to find an image that engages us, my chosen image was
This image is of Elizabeth I. 
Queen Elizabeth I, by Unknown artist, early 17th century with 18th century overpainting - NPG 542 - © National Portrait Gallery, London
The description deemed it to be by an unknown artist, sometime after 1588. After further research I found out that it was actually said to be painted in the early 17th century with an 18th century overpainting. I think this caught my attention because of the details of the portrait, you can see all of the tiny details in the lace and it amazes me that someone hand painted this. I think that Elizabeth’s personality, or what we know of it, is coming through in this; she is obviously of high class and the painting shows her royalty. Having a 45 year reign, earning the title ‘the great’ this was a result of her strong will, intelligence and popularity. She became a huge fashion icon of the time, having red hair and paler than pale skin became the in thing to do. She embodied power in most of the portraits of her and this can only be a true representation on her true self.
After visiting the National Portrait Gallery we were given the opportunity to visit a few makeup stores with the benefit of some discounts. Firstly we visited Illamasqua, I didn’t personally purchase anything from this store but others in the group used the 20% discount to their advantage. I really liked the overall look of this store, I felt that it was really well set out and I loved the different counters and looks they displayed. Here was also had an opportunity to looked at some of the products that were used during the induction week demonstration.

Next we visited Kyrolan/ Charles Fox, with a 10% discount I purchased an angled liner brush. I also really liked the overall look of this store, I felt that they displayed their products really well, particularly the different types of blood they sell being splattered against one of the walls. Kyrolan specialises in theatre and film makeup and it was interesting to have a close up look at the vast products they offer.

Finally we visited my favourite store and this is where I took full advantage of the amazing 35% discount! MAC is probably one of my favourite brands, I think it offers such a broad range of products that cater for everyone. Here I purchased a 239 shader brush, a blot powder and a lipstick in the shade Honey Love. I always find that the staff at MAC are so friendly and helpful and wasn’t disappointed here, the store was well organised and I thoroughly my visit. 

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