Saturday 6 December 2014

Final Design Inspiration

For my final design I decided to look in a few places to get some inspiration, I looked at some contemporary images and also some Elizabethan portraits. Looking at the portraits it was quite hard to see what makeup they had on but I saw some of the typical Elizabethan makeup traits and hoped to incorporate them into my final design.  The first portrait I looked at was the image below, it shows Elizabeth I, looking cold and serious. I can see from looking at it that she has red lips, and a pale complexion, these were both very popular looks in the Elizabethan era. A lot of Elizabethan portraits have things in them that have different meanings from this painting I can see that she wears pearls, which in these portraits could symbolise purity and wealth. Also Elizabeth looks like she has no eyebrows in the picture so I took this and incorporated in my design.  

Image link: 

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